I stop by the rectory to pick up the deposit refund from the hall rental. "There's another thing for you here, too," Judy the secretary hands me the two envelopes. The first is self-explanatory.
The second, though, is odd. It's from a return address and name I don't recognize. It's written to our church, but at the bottom it has my name, like where I would put "attention" and then a department name.
I open it.
It's a $50 check made out to our parish and with the notation "Trivia" in the memo line. Ah. It's clear. I ask Judy what we should do--and she's going to have to get another check written. She takes that one and writes me the next day. She has a replacement for me.
It's raining money this week. It's a nice change.
Conversations with Middle Schoolers #55
9 years ago
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