I never called our floral wholesaler about the missing wreath. I'll dig through that in the coming year. See if they charged us, for instance. Complain later.
I never asked Flora about new bows for the wreaths. I think we could doctor what we have. I know she would do them. I just ran out of time.
I never got confirmations from folks about decorating. On Sunday we had enough people, but Tuesday was slim and by Thursday it was just me, really, and I left after I'd done what I could in the silence of the afternoon.
It wasn't my best Advent. I've done better. I kind of phoned it in. Granted, my brother and his family were in town and so I was essentially "on vacation" to St. Louis with them. Maeve had a seizure, of course, right before Advent started, throwing me for a bigger loop than I want to admit. I had quilting and sewing to do. I never baked a single anything. I hardly got presents wrapped or the tree up.
Something about this Advent still doesn't feel like it's over.
Conversations with Middle Schoolers #55
9 years ago
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