We walked out of church Sunday with the neighbors, heading to get coffee and bagels down the way since there was no coffee and donuts downstairs. We feared it was some Lenten reason for nothing in the basement...but we'll see as the season goes on.
I put Leo in the car. He was fussy. I got into the driver's seat and Mike glanced back at him.
"Maybe he's upset by inch-deep Christology and a rehash of the gospel. 'Temptation is more tempting when you're tempted,' after all," he laughed, pretending this was a quote from the homily.
It might as well have been.
I know as a former teacher that the first year of teaching I should've paid those families to let me teach their kids instead of the other way around. You are a novice for a reason. You aren't always born to do what you do--sometimes you have to grow into it. And as opposed to, say, a novice anesthesiology student and her mentor arguing about why I had "too many bones" in my back while I was in labor waiting for an epidural, a novice homilist isn't frightening or potentially harmful. And homilies aren't every priest's cup of tea.
It's just...so unsatisfying. But next week is back to Miguel.
Conversations with Middle Schoolers #55
9 years ago
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