Wednesday, September 14, 2011

58/365 Banners

I make banners for church.

My first was an Advent ambo frontal, purple, of course, with ribbons down the left side as you face it. The ribbons intertwined and looked a bit like a bookmark. It was simple but new after an era of bad fabric art in our church.

For Christmas there was the same pattern, but in white and gold. We used it for Easter as well.

For Pentecost, I took the same idea but played around with it. It was my favorite. But now with our new ambo, we'll probably never use it again. That's ok, though--these are done in a specific time and place. They aren't like quilts for my daughters' beds or something I make as a gift. I don't know--I'm just a little more separated.

I made a Christmas banner that we used this year as well as three years prior (or maybe this was the 3rd year total, I can't recall). But it's starting to feel a little tired. Then one for ordinary time that was interesting, but a little odd. This past Easter I made what is probably my favorite of all the ones I'm made, but it just seems wrong for the church. I have it, though, in the guest room/sewing room of my house. If the church doesn't want it anymore, it will have a home.

It is John 20:2. The Christmas banner is Numbers 24:17. I call the ordinary time one "Tree of Life" from the song that goes The tree of life my soul has seen laden with fruit and always green.

I see these as a beginning of a life's meditation on scripture, frankly. Another kind of lectio. I don't care what Lynn thinks about my use of green. I don't care if they're just not right for our space (I think that about the Easter banner myself). I'm working on the design for a new Advent banner and it's come to the point that the creation has become its own prayer.

But I do try to make them right--I don't want to impose bad art on the parish. We're meeting Tuesday to discuss the art & environment for Easter and Pentecost. I have ideas. We'll see if they seem right. And I'm hoping other people have something to bring, to add. Hildegard will be there, but so will Lynn. Hildegard's roommate, though, counterbalances Lynn, and she's supposed to come as well.

It used to be I'd stand there and nod, ask questions for clarification, and go home to make their banner. Now I like collaboration and ideas, but sometimes, it's like I try that and it doesn't happen--the idea won't be forced into cloth. But something else is begging to be brought to the light.

I hope it's good.