Monday, August 8, 2011

106/365 At my funeral...

At my funeral, no one will sing "On Eagles Wings". Under penalty of severe haunting.

At my funeral, no one will sing "Amazing Grace" either.

At my funeral, if at all possible, I want Psalm 139 instead of Psalm 23: Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me.

At my funeral, I want people to pause between readings and the psalm. Between the second reading and the Alleluia. Between the gospel and the homily. Between. I want some space between these things.

At my funeral, I want someone to read well. Slowly. Perhaps something from Isaiah 35 or I Corinthians 13 or something cozy from Proverbs or Wisdom. Maybe the Gospel of John. I'm fuzzy on these details--there are many good things I would choose. I just would like it done with a meditative presence.

At my funeral, I want a homilist who won't give pat answers or tell people to rejoice or talk about what a great person I was unless he really knew me.

At my funeral, if someone gives a eulogy, it should be simple and to the point. Thoughtful. Something to ruminate upon.

But at my funeral, under no circumstances is anyone to use the moment as a platform to push his or her political views. Politics are verboten. Don't criticize the government in the homily, the eulogy, the worship aid, the bulletin board at the wake with my photos. Nope. Nada. Don't do it.