Wednesday, August 17, 2011

96/365 Latinization

Last week, I had a conversation with Maeve:

"When are we going to have candy at church again?" she asks.

"Probably at Easter," I tell her. Duh.

"But no, I mean at church, when are we going to have candy?"

"Like I said, at Easter. After mass, you know." But maybe not. She's young.

"No, in the sacritarium."

I think quickly.

"Cafeteria?" I suggest. "Downstairs? Like with coffee and donuts?"

"No," she repeats, now exasperated with me. "The sa-cri-tar-i-um."

"The sacristy?" I try again.

"No!" She says, all frustrated. "With the bowl, on the desk, in Father Miguel's house. In the front. In the sacratarium!"

"Do you mean," I say, laughing, "the secretary's office?"

"Yeah," she says with relief. "I mean the SEcretarium."

Which I guess would be one word for the office where the parish secretary sits.


mh said...

Oh, Maeve! You'd better watch this one, Mom! :)