Thursday, May 26, 2011

200/365 Juggling the Laundry

Coming home from working the Irish dance competition (feis), I was planning the rest of my day. I was already on 39th street heading home when I remembered it was my week to do the laundry at church.

Purificators, towels, a few odds and ends each time. I drive over there--it's 3:00 already and there is no time to have it done by 4:30 mass. I remember these problems in calculus class. Even if I traveled at the speed of light, I will approach but never reach my destination in time.

So I pick up the laundry basket full and take it home. Life intervenes--Leo needs a nap so we lie down together, and I fall asleep. When I wake up, 4:30 is already over so I can't just sneak them in then, either. Plus they're still sitting in the washer waiting their next step.

I iron them while I watch TV that night. I'm too tired to take them up (it's after 10 at this point) so it'll have to wait until Sunday. Which means waking up at 6:30 and going over before the 7:30 mass. Sigh. Nobody to blame but myself.