Saturday, May 28, 2011

196/365 Altar Guild Part One

I was headed to my in-laws, but I needed to go to this meeting first. Basement of the rectory with Sr. Hildegard and a few other folks she'd emailed to see if they'd be interested in helping out at church. Behind the scenes stuff, the stuff nobody notices until it doesn't happen. Laundry, dishes, polishing, candles.

I drove over to the rectory thinking of the Benedictine passage about tools of the monastery. All tools of the monastery are to be treated as the sacred vessels of the altar are treated, for all tools are in fact sacred. Jobs done well, with focus and purpose, are all part of a path toward God.

And I knew that I was heading into the lion's den of meetings. I was going to leave that meeting with more to do, officially, than I had before. But I was ok with that. Kids are older, I have more time come the fall. I can take on a bit more, at least what I had going on before Leo was born.
