Today's reading from the Rule instructs the abbot/prioress of a monastery to always have words match deeds. Do not live a "do as I say not as I do" kind of example.
Today at dinner, Sophia said a word that falls out of my mouth all the time. It wasn't one of the big 2 or 3 rated-R words I catch myself saying, it was further down the list but still definitely a PG-13 word. And as opposed to Maeve, who sometimes pushes boundaries because it's fun to get a reaction, I realized that Sophia didn't even know this word shouldn't be said.
"Just because your mother has a potty mouth doesn't mean you should," Mike admonished her, but gently because it was obvious she was genuinely misled by my lack of self control.
Something to look forward to for Lent, perhaps?
Conversations with Middle Schoolers #55
9 years ago
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