Saturday, May 21, 2011

216/365 Minority Religions

I have several friends, in "real life" and in the blog world, who belong to, or were raised in, small Christian denominations. A longtime college friend grew up as a Moravian Lutheran. Indigo Bunting up in Vermont has Church of the Brethren roots. I know Friends and Christian Scientists and Mennonites. My best friend in 8th grade was a Primitive Baptist. Yes, I know many non-denominational Christians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Methodists, and of course Catholics, but it's those little churches that intrigue me most of all. Arguments over instrumental music versus a capella. Buttons or hooks and eyes? Drinking or no alcohol? Opposed to missionaries? Infant baptism? Creeds?

I know there is much lamentation over the splintering of Christianity. And yes, we as Christians should work towards a common ground. But in the end, almost all of us do stand on common ground (there are certain sects, I'm sure you can think of them too, that stand too outside such a patch). I think this separation is so human and so telling of our condition that I have to love it. Notions turn into ideas turn into beliefs turn into doctrine.