Wednesday, May 18, 2011

227/365 Oversharing at the Bar

"Well, you know Pat," Lynn says in that tone that means we should understand the unspoken context. But this is the first night I've met her and all I know is that I'm tired already from losing at softball in the most humiliating way possible, and now at the bar with this crazy lady going on and on while Nicole and I exchange glances of "holy shit did she just say that?" again and again.

But Colleen O'Toole seems to think all of this is normal. We're all drinking beer and Lynn has a hot lemonade. "It's a drink of my own making," she explains earlier in the evening, again with this weird self-importance act that makes me want to never make eye contact with her again. I'm sure the waitress was quite amused.

"He seems to be doing really well," Jessica points out, trying to save Pat from whatever Lynn is going to say. I gather that Pat is her husband.

"Well, let me put it this way," she says with a fake cough. "This past summer I went to Nicaragua and he went to the hospital."

Now Nicole can't handle it another moment. Her eyes are going to pop out of her head.

"For the bipolar?" Colleen O'Toole asks.

"What else?" Lynn cackles.

"Oh Jesus," whispers Nicole. "I've got to get out of here."

And we do.