Saturday, January 29, 2011

347/365 Homilies, Dominicans, etc.

There have been some excellent homilies for me this past month. I wish I could say more. I am useless these days. I just know that I've left church thinking.

We have a deacon, a Dominican moving towards priesthood. He's the best we've had so far in this position, in my mind. I think he'll do fine. I'm getting the impression, though, with these guys and with my experiences with occasional Dominicans at SLU (they have a divinity school there), that I'm just not a fan. Isn't it fascinating how different orders truly do attract different folks? Jesuits, of course, make me want to become a Buddhist. I have never been impressed with Vincentians, either. Dominicans don't make me want to run away and hold my ears shut with the palms of my hands, but there's just something about their style that doesn't hit my heart the way a Benedictine or some Franciscans or the Redemptorists of my childhood do. We don't vibrate on the same wavelength or something.

But I think this deacon will do fine. I wonder where he'll go and what he'll do. I wonder if he'll be far away and think about our little urban parish and all those crazy people. I wonder if he'll remember us fondly when he goes. Probably so.