Friday, January 14, 2011

362/365 Down with Christmas

But don't take those poinsettias.

I stood in the back of church talking to Flora about what we needed to do after mass, after folks filed out and went out into the world. If we had people stay, we needed to take lights down off trees, take wreaths down, etc. And I was tying up the ribbons on my Christmas banner so they wouldn't get tangled or drag on the ground. Sal was trying to talk to me about how he did not touch the trees this year (although most likely he did...) and I was making a mental list of tasks.

I watched as a young girl, my daughter's age, went over to the creche scene and took a poinsettia. Miguel leaned over and said something to her, I couldn't hear what, but she put it back. He'd mentioned it at the end of mass announcements: don't take the poinsettias because we're still going to be using them for a few weeks.

Mostly because it annoys me that Lynn is so anxious to give them all away. I don't even like the damned things. But I guess I'm just not nice enough to let it go...