Friday, January 28, 2011

348/365 Back Home

I got a bulletin from this past Sunday--having a key to the church has its advantages. I sat in the car and read this poem by Christine Rodgers that Miguel inserted into his column, something about the Christmas star and the magi and how we are led to God and it was short and William Carlos Williams-esque in style, this simple little dropping of words. The last part reads:

And if

an angel
warns you
in a dream

not to
by the old


I love the story of the Magi, the transformation, the gifts, the flashback and forward for Christ's whole life. Me, I'm moving away from this crisis point but there isn't any resolution. I don't think I've arrived anywhere and nobody is pointing me a way back or forward. I'm back home, but I'm still headed that way. I hope I've taken the correct turns.