Monday, January 24, 2011

352/365 New Years Resolution

This past year, my resolution was simple. When people put their turn signals on and need to get into my lane, whether merging onto the highway or avoiding surprise construction or even just human frailty of making a mistake, I was going to let them in.

I kept that resolution all year. I wasn't silly about it. I waited for the turn signal and I was safe when I let folks in. I didn't let people in who raced to the front of the exit lane to wedge themselves in out of turn. Those people annoy me. But people who just needed to get somewhere and let their needs be known? By early February it wasn't even something I had to think about. Of course I let them in.

This is the first year I kept a new year's resolution.

So I guess 2010 wasn't too bad a thing after all.