Friday, July 1, 2011

153/365 Haiti and too much wine

Fr. Miguel came over tonight to talk about Haiti to a group of folks, some from book club, some from the neighborhood. A salon, I called it, based on internet friends' salons in Vermont. We listened to Miguel's short history of Haiti, and then he brought it up to the present, to his recent trip there to a hospital where he served as chaplain for a week after the earthquake.

It was a really good talk. And a chance to drink more bon terra cabernet, which is my very favorite but I don't get to enjoy too often because, being from a family of alcoholics, I do not drink alone. Mike is essentially a non-drinker, and therefore, I spend a lot of time not drinking. This is good for me--I would be a drunk in no time.

I could sit and listen and chat with Miguel on just about any topic. I always learn something and I'm always surprised by something. And I know this probably makes me a total suck up and I just don't care. There.